Join Us!

We know it’s not always easy to visit a new church.  That’s why we want to make you feel as welcome as each of us felt the first time we came to worship here.  In order to make your experience as comfortable as possible, we are providing answers to the questions most often asked by first time visitors.  We hope this information will make it easier for you to join us for Sunday services at Union Congregational United Church of Christ of Reinbeck, Iowa.


What kind of church are we?

We are a traditional Congregational Church, with roots dating back to 1873.  We are part of the United Church of Christ and members of the Iowa Conference of the UCC. Our church has a strong commitment to our local and global communities and we welcome all who desire to worship, regardless of previous faith traditions.


Where are we located?

We are located at 225 Broad Street in Reinbeck, at the corner of Broad and Clark Streets, across from the Reinbeck Memorial building. 


What happens when you arrive?

You might want to plan on arriving 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the service.  When you come in the front door, take the steps or our elevator to the upper level where you will be met by a greeter, who will welcome you to the service.  We will also have ushers who will give you a bulletin and help you find a seat.


What should we wear?

There is no dress code, and people attend worship in a variety of attire.  Our youth are casual and comfortable.  The dress for our adults ranges from suits to very casual.


When are the services?

We have Sunday services at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday morning. Before the actual service begins, we have a period where we share our joys and concerns (no one is required to speak) and share some announcements.  We normally open the service with a call to worship, a hymn, and two scripture readings.  Those elements are followed by a children’s message at the front of the Church. An anthem or special music is followed by the sermon relating the scripture readings to our daily lives, an offering, and closing music.  As a visitor, you are not expected to participate in our offering, unless you desire to do so.  This order of service is typical, but may be altered on any given Sunday if required by special occasions. Some Sundays much of the music is played on our state of the art Johannes organ, or our Yamaha Grand piano.


What do children do?

Our tradition is to have all children participate in the service for the first 10 minutes or so, which includes the children’s message, and then go to Sunday School. 


What about younger children?

With a congregation that includes young families, we are especially prepared to help you manage your little ones and enjoy your worship experience.  There is a nursery for your use. 


While we are glad to welcome families with kids in worship, if you prefer to keep your infant or toddler with you, we do ask that you excuse yourself from the service if your child becomes restless to the point where folks around you are unable to be fully engaged in their worship experience. We have a special place in the chapel, just down the hall from the sanctuary, where you can be comfortable with your child while watching the service on closed circuit television.


Do we need to be members to participate in Communion?

In the United Church of Christ everyone is welcome to participate in this tradition regardless of religious affiliation or Church membership.  Communion is served the first Sunday of every month. 


What happens after the service?

Each Sunday after the service there is a time for coffee/juice, snacks and conversation in our Dining Room.  This is a great time to meet people and get to know more about our Church family.


What about people with special needs? 

If you have questions about special needs for a family member, or handicapped access, please don’t hesitate to call the Church office (319-788-6434) for assistance. Our building is completely accessible from each entrance. We will be delighted to assist you in any way that we can.


We look forward to having you join us for worship on Sunday!


May 14, 2024



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What is UCC?

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you can give a donation to the church at our Pay Pal here 

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