Constitution and By-Laws

Reinbeck, Iowa

Article 1
Relationship to the Denomination

This congregation and its membership shall be responsible and
active members of the Central Association of the Iowa Conference
of the United Church of Christ. The congregation shall, if possible,
be represented by its Pastor (or Pastors), and delegates at meetings
of the “Association, Conference, and other delegated assemblies
of the Church.” Registration fees of the pastor(s) and delegate(s),
in addition to other appropriate expenses, (travel, meals, etc.),
shall be paid by the congregation.

Article 2

A member in good and regular standing shall endeavor to conform
to the expectations of Church membership as set forth in Article 5,
Paragraph 2, of the Constitution.
A member may, on request, be granted a letter of transfer from this
congregation to another.
Article 3
Congregational Meeting

The congregation shall meet at least once a year. The day and
hour of the annual meeting shall be set by the Church Council
and publicized at least one month in advance. The congregation
may meet at other times of the year subject to a call by the Church
Council. The notice shall contain an agenda of items to be considered.
 No agenda items may be added once notification of any meeting is
publicized. The Moderator, or a designated Church Council member,
shall preside at all congregational meetings.

Regular and special meetings of the congregation shall be called by
written notification mailed one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
Any called assembly of the congregation, called as provided in the
Bylaws, will constitute a quorum.

Article 4
Boards, Committees, and Organizations

The members of the Diaconate, the Board of Trustees, the Board of
Christian Education, Nominating Committee, Finance committee,
the Moderator, and the three representatives at-large on the Church
Council, shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected
 by the congregation. Each board, committee, and organization shall
elect a chairperson and other appropriate officers as soon as possible
after the personnel for the year is determined.  The names of such persons
shall be reported to the Church office. Any of the boards and committees
of the Church may appoint subcommittees in the area of their responsibility
as deemed necessary or desirable for the accomplishments of its work. 
Appointments shall be made by the common consent of the board/committee,
or through its chairperson.
Individuals elected to a board or committee of the Church shall serve for the
duration of one term only and may not be eligible for re-election to that particular
board or committee without a time lapse of one year.  There may be two
exceptions, however:
An individual may succeed themselves as an appointed member of that
particular board or committee after having served one elected term.
An individual may succeed themselves as an elected member of the
particular board or committee after having served a portion of a term as
an appointed member.


Vacancies in unexpired terms shall be filled by the appointment of that particular board or committee for the duration of that unexpired term.  Such limited appointments do not require action by the nominating committee unless the board or committee is unable to fill the appointment on its own, nor is confirmation or election by the congregation necessary.
Individuals elected to a board or committee of the Church, who have four unexcused absences in a twelve month period, may be asked to vacate their seat.
Upon the resignation of the Pastor, the Church Council, through the Moderator, shall contact the Conference Office, and appoint a Pastoral Search Committee.  This Pastoral Search Committee shall continue to serve in the capacity of a Pastoral Relations Committee for at least a year’s time following the call of a new Pastor.

Article 5

The Moderator:
Shall be elected from the congregation for a term of one year.  The Moderator
may not be re-elected for more than two consecutive terms. Shall preside at
all meetings of the congregation, the Church Council and the Joint Budget
Shall appoint any necessary boards, committees, task groups or action teams
in consultation with the Church Council. 
Shall enforce the Constitution and Bylaws.
Shall perform the general duties as are common for the office, including such
additional duties as may be directed by the congregation from time to time.

The Treasurer:
Shall keep and preserve accurate records of all receipts and disbursements,
and submit a written report of them at all regular meetings of the Trustees.
Shall assure accuracy and propriety of all financial transactions of the

Article 6
Church Council


May 09, 2024



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